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    Solutions for PO recycling MetaPure W-PO
    Solutions for PO recycling MetaPure W-PO

      Recycling of PO containers into flakes

      Sustainability and profitability: our contribution to a circular economy

      When one compares the recycling of containers made of polyolefins (PO) and those made out of PET, PO containers present numerous challenges: On the one hand, they are lighter than water which calls for a different procedural approach. On the other, the containers can take on the odour of the products they contain. Krones approaches all of these issues with a recycling technology which has been modified to precisely suit the processing of polyolefins.

      At a glance

      • Recycling of PO containers into flakes
      • MetaPure W-PO washing module
        • Intensive pre-washing
        • Hot post-washing for an excelling washing result
      • Thanks to our co-operation with partners: Krones can also supply complete solutions with systems for the subsequent further processing of the PO flakes
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      Brochure Krones solutions for PO recycling MetaPure W-PO
      0.64 MB, .pdf

      Two system types for PO recycling

      MetaPure (complete system) MetaPure W-PO
      Recycling of containers
      • to form PO flakes for non-food use
      • extrusion optional
      Recycling of containers to form PO flakes for non-food use
      1,000 kg/h to 4,500 kg/h 1,000 kg/h to 4,500 kg/h*
      Space requirement  
      600 – 3,500 m2 250 – 1,000 m2

      *Several modules can be combined with each other in order to achieve higher outputs.

      MetaPure W-PO –upcycling instead of downcycling

      MetaPure W-PO –upcycling instead of downcycling

      In the MetaPure W-PO, well proven individual units were adapted to suit conditions specific to PO while keeping the process-related attributes of the Krones washing technology unchanged.

      Excellent cleaning results with the Krones washing technology

      • Pre-cleaning sequences (optional)
      • Caustic cleaning with caustic renewal
      • Multi-stage post-washer
      • Drying
      • Automatic waste management system reduces the operator’s workload (optional)
      • Reliable removal of the sinking fraction and labels

      The Krones washing process with pre-treatment, caustic washing and hot washing ensures clean flakes which can be ideally used for the manufacture of high-quality applications (fibre, film, injection moulding).

      Your benefits

      • Gentle treatment of the material as the units operate with a slow rotation
      • Reliable removal of dirt, organic residues and adhesives using a caustic washer
      • Less cleaning and more safety for the line operators thanks to the clean design and automatic waste management system
      • Possibility to reuse the process water with the integrated water cascade
      • Very good washing results achieved with a hot post-washing process
      • Reliable removal of the sinking fraction and labels
      • Constant concentration and low consumption of caustic, additives and defoamers thanks to the automatic dosing equipment
      • Robust construction and design of many parts in stainless steel to protect your investment

      Our complete-system expertise – Krones as a turnkey supplier and integrator

      Complete recycling plant from a single source: Factory planning, project management and recycling expertise

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      How can we help you?

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