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    The future starts in our heads

    Revolutions don’t simply happen. They’re created – by people who are passionate about their ideas. We want to lead the industry into a sustainable future. That’s why we’re driving the digital transformation. Do you want to be part of something big? Then be part of our community!

    Find the job that sparks your passion

    Keep scrolling – this is us

    What we do

    Digitalization and automation are our passion. We develop new technologies and innovative services that contribute toward a common goal: to make our industry sustainable in every respect. – this is us

    Who we work for

    Our solutions are used primarily in the food and beverage industry – by breweries, mineral water bottlers, dairies, and soft-drink producers. We work for regional mid-sized enterprises and major multinationals alike. – this is us

    Who we are is a community of more than 600 experts. They all work for the Krones Group but in very different fields and across several companies and continents. What unites us is our passion for digital technologies and for collaborating on interdisciplinary projects. In formal terms, we are a matrix organization within the Krones Group. But to our minds, we’re a community. And that’s how we present ourselves to the world. – this is us

    Where we come from and where we want to go

    As part of the Krones family, we have very unique DNA that defines two of the most essential aspects of our character: We’re passionate about progressive ideas and yet we’re very down-to-earth. You might wonder: Aren't the two mutually exclusive? Not at all. Because we have both feet firmly planted on the ground, our heads are free to explore bold ideas. And because we approach problems with pragmatism, our visions always lead to a concrete goal.

    And that goal is to fundamentally transform the food and beverage industry – with solutions that bring more transparency and security into the value chain, expand the options for influencing on production flows and outputs, and give our customers smart, predictive, self-optimizing systems.

    Meet our team
    One community, many faces
    Who are the people at A small insight into our team.
    Chandrashekhar Chandrashekhar
    Head of Digital Service Center

    Chandrashekhar is known in his team for two things in particular: his re ...

    Chandrashekhar is known in his team for two things in particular: his reliability and his process-oriented approach. He benefits greatly from both in his role as Head of Digital Service Center at Krones Digital Solutions India. What particularly excites him about his job? The internationality. Thanks to the wide reach of the community, he has the opportunity to work with many other experts around the world to continuously optimize the customer experience with our digital solutions. For his team, it is important to him that everyone pulls together and has good team spirit. He draws inspiration from his Indian cricket idol MS Dhoni. Chandrashekhar admires his coolness, patience and leadership qualities.

    Norah Norah
    Scrum Master

    Our scrum masters ensure that we, the community, think an ...

    Our scrum masters ensure that we, the community, think and work agilely. Norah is one of them: As a member of the Chinese team, she employs agile processes and practices that benefit both her development team in Suzhou and our community as a whole. Her task is to create a culture that helps the team continuously improve its own procedures. Norah has been using agile methods ever since completing her master’s in business information systems. What she finds most interesting about her job? “In my work it’s not just about the process, the most exciting bit is the person.” It’s no wonder, then, that she enjoys meeting other people in her private life too, regularly travelling to different towns to visit friends. Right at the top of her list of next destinations is Bamberg, where she lived while studying for her degree. Contact with her colleagues from Regensburg has made Norah keen to return there some time and meet up with old friends again.

    Laura Laura
    Product owner

    Which functional requirements must be met by our products so that they a ...

    Which functional requirements must be met by our products so that they are suitable for use in the future? This is one of the central questions the Product Owner for our Condition Monitoring Service regularly asks herself. Laura moved to Regensburg immediately after graduating from her mechanical engineering master's programme and has supported our team from this time at our site in the town centre. What she values most about her work: The close cooperation with our customers, the active involvement in developing the product and the open, honest working atmosphere. When Laura is not at her desk, you're likely to find her out in nature, hiking with the family, skiing in winter or swimming in summer. To see the beach or mountains once a year is on her personal to-do list.

    Michael Michael
    Product manager for digitalization

    Michael loves travelling. No wonder he started his career at Krones with ...

    Michael loves travelling. No wonder he started his career at Krones with a job as service engineer for inspection technology. A real organisational talent, he managed to train as an industrial engineer alongside. After completing his studies, Michael followed his curiosity and moved into product management for digitalization. What he particularly likes about his job is the collegiality that surrounds him and the "hands-on" mentality, as he calls it. He also displays the latter himself time and again. We are therefore more than happy to count Michael among our community!

    Sabri Sabri
    Software developer

    As a doctor of economics and with a successful master's degree in busine ...

    As a doctor of economics and with a successful master's degree in business informatics, Sabri feels most at home in the world of cloud and edge computing. He deals with data processing on the Edge Device including cloud and machine connectivity. Among his daily companions are various AWS services, Python, Linux and Co. What appeals to him most about his job is the variety and the work with innovative technologies. Home office is no problem at all for him. For productive workshops or a chat or two with other team members, however, he prefers to come to the office. He has found another passion in photography - so the ambitious amateur photographer would love to discover the charming Madagascan flora and fauna through his camera lens when the opportunity arises!

    Rudi Rudi
    Feel good manager

    He may not be able to operate a computer, but he’s always a welcome sigh ...

    He may not be able to operate a computer, but he’s always a welcome sight at the Maximilianstrasse office in Regensburg. At first, he just accompanied his owner Jonas to work. But Rudi quickly established himself as the office “feel-good manager” – always there when somebody needs a quick break. And because he does his job so well, nobody minds that he sometimes takes a nap under “his” desk. 

    • Our technologies and solutions
    • Our technologies and solutions
    • Our technologies and solutions
    • Our technologies and solutions
    • Our technologies and solutions

      “Champions of digital transformation“

      We develop both incremental and disruptive innovations. The one expands the Krones Group’s existing portfolio while the other breaks entirely new ground. Instead of simply serving existing needs, our work is fundamentally changing the entire industry. And we’re not the only ones who think so: In 2021, we were ranked among the “champions of digital transformation” by the business magazine CAPITAL and the strategy and management consulting firm Infront.

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    • Our technologies and solutions

      Connected Line

      There can be no digitalization without data: The Connected Line makes it possible to capture machinery and production data in customers’ plants, to be further analyzed in one of our cloud-based services. Every new production line that Krones delivers is sent out as a Connected Line. But we can also retrofit older machines with our edge device ReadyKit – so they, too, can access the Krones Ecosystem.

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    • Our technologies and solutions

      Krones Ecosystem

      Our integrated digital ecosystem is the basis for smart, connected production. At its heart is an IIoT platform we developed in-house. It includes a digital twin of our customers’ production plants and sophisticated user administration and can be accessed from a variety of devices through a browser. The platform is available in several languages.

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    • Our technologies and solutions

      To accommodate the continued growth of our digital services, we launched This browser-based online portal enables centralized, personalized access to all cloud solutions from our development teams. Whether it’s real-time production monitoring, condition-based maintenance, Modular Service Agreements, or the more than six million items in Every one of our customers will find the Krones Ecosystem services they need in

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    • Our technologies and solutions
    • Our technologies and solutions
    • Our technologies and solutions
    • Our technologies and solutions

    Your future

    Become part of our community – we look forward to having you!

    Find your dream job and apply

    Here is what you can expect

    Be yourself

    Show us your rough edges

    How would we describe a typical member of our community? We wouldn’t. Because our world is too diverse for clichés, dress codes, or conformity. At, you’ll find a wide range of personalities, mindsets, and ways of working. If you value individuality – your own and that of others – you’ll fit right in. Our diversity is what enables us to look at things in new ways, think outside the box, and generate truly novel solutions. And it’s one of the many reasons you’ll never be bored working with us!

    Love what you do

    Life’s too short for meaningless jobs

    Some people work through to-do lists. We are on a mission. We want to lead the food and beverage industry into a digital future. To make this vision a reality, we’ve built a community of people with a vast array of skills and talents – including software developers, data scientists, UI/UX designers, SCRUM masters, AI engineers, and automation experts. They all have this in common: They’re passionate about new technologies and they want to make big things happen.

    Get globally connected

    Community instead of rigid structures

    Our community is distributed across several Krones Group sites and companies. What that means for you is that the people you’ll be working with might share your ideas but they might not share the same zip code. Instead of meeting in the office every day, we prefer to connect virtually – often across many national borders and time zones. But even if there are long distances between us, we keep communication and decision-making easy, as if we were all local.

    Work anywhere

    What matters to us is what you do, not where you do it

    And because we’re right at home in the digital world, we value flexibility and agility -- in our collaborative project work and in the way we plan our days. Some of us prefer to work from home while others thrive on daily interaction at the office. And some of us do best when we can change locations frequently. When and where can you do your best work? The answer to this question will depend on your personality and your current life situation. So, of course, everyone’s answer will be different.

    Never stop growing

    Clever minds need to be nourished

    As a digital professional, you know that our world is producing a never-ending stream of new technologies and ideas. Keeping up isn’t enough. Not for us. We want to be among those blazing the trail. And for that we’ve got to stay sharp. If you’re a person with insatiable curiosity, you’ve come to the right place. We foster your potential and help you explore your interests – with opportunities that include continuing education in your field, part-time university studies, language courses, and coaching to deepen your personal skills. Because every step forward for you is also a significant advance for

    When first getting to know each other

    First name or surname terms? – the main thing is We!

    The members of our community work in various corporations belonging to the Krones Group. Some of them already decided on a first-name culture when they started out; some prefer the more traditional approach and let each individual decide how they would like to be addressed. That is one thing you will notice, particularly when we first meet. When you apply to join, you may notice that we sometimes call you by your first name, sometimes by your last name. The name we choose is not important to us – as ultimately what unites us all is a respectful and appreciative interaction with one other.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Would you like to join us, but still have a few questions? Here you will find the most important information about your entry opportunities, our application process and similar topics.

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    Unsolicited application

    Didn't find your job yet? Then we would be very glad to receive an unsolicited application from you. Just tell us what you can bring to the table – and we'll try to find the right place for you within our community.

    Enhance our world

    The community is growing by leaps and bounds. Find openings in the Czech Republic, India and China on the job board for each location:

    • India

      Bengaluru: the future starts here!

      The community is continually in motion. But probably nowhere is it pulsating as strongly as in Bengaluru. In the most happening co-working space in town, the greatest variety of people are following one common vision: to create a sustainable future for us all using courageous ideas and new technologies. Would you also like to make a difference in the world? Then feel free to join us!

    • Czech Republic

      Young and colourful in the Czech Republic

      Everything fresh, everything in motion: we have just completely refurbished our corporate sites in Pilsen and Prague. For good reason: our team here is about to grow substantially – and we want it to feel completely at ease. Will you soon become a member of our community? Find out now if we are the perfect match!

    • China

      Where everything is one size larger

      Welcome to one of the largest sites in the Krones world! Here you are in the midst of the action. In addition to our digitalisation community, many other teams from the Krones family are at home in China. Regardless of whether it is in production, spare parts service or the training centre: in China you will find everything that makes Krones so special combined at one location.
