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    After the figures are published, Krones holds regular conference calls for analysts and institutional investors. The related presentations and other publications can be found on this page.

    Downloads (5 )

    Presentation Conference Call Krones Group first quarter 2024

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q1 2024

    Presentation Conference Call Preliminary Figures 2023


    Downloads (11 )

    Presentation Conference Call Krones Group third quarter 2023

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q3 2023

    Presentation Conference Call First Half Year 2023

    Corporate news release - Report for the second quarter 2023

    Presentation Conference Call Krones Group first quarter 2023

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q1 2023

    Presentation Conference Call Preliminary Figures 2022


    Downloads (12 )

    Presentation Conference Call Krones Group third quarter 2022

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q3 2022

    Presentation Conference Call First Half Year 2022

    Corporate news release - Report for the second quarter 2022

    Presentation Conference Call Krones Group first quarter 2022

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q1 2022

    Presentation Conference Call Preliminary Figures 2021


    Downloads (12 )

    Presentation Conference Call Quarterly statement Q3 2021

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q3 2021

    Presentation Conference Call First Half Year 2021

    Corporate news release - Report for the second quarter 2021

    Presentation Conference Call Quarterly statement Q1 2021

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q1 2021

    Presentation Conference Call Preliminary Figures 2020


    Downloads (13 )

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q3 2019 preliminary figures

    Presentation Conference Call Preliminary Figures 9 Month 2020

    Presentation Conference Call First Half Year 2020

    Corporate news release - Report for the second quarter 2020

    Presentation Conference Call Quarterly statement Q1 2020

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q1 2020

    Presentation Conference Call Preliminary Figures 2019


    Downloads (12 )

    Corporate News-Meldung – Geschäftsbericht Konzern 2019

    Presentation Conference Call January – September 2019

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q3 2019

    Presentation Conference Call First Half Year 2019

    Corporate News Release - Report for the second quarter 2019

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q1 2019


    Downloads (14 )

    Presentation Conference Call January – September 2018

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q3 2018

    Presentation Conference Call First Half Year 2018

    Corporate News Release - Report for the second quarter 2018

    Presentation Conference Call Quarterly statement Q1 2018

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q1 2018


    Downloads (12 )

    Presentation Conference Call January – September 2017

    Corporate news release – Quarterly statement Q3 2017

    Presentation Conference Call First Half Year 2017

    Corporate News Release - Report for the second quarter 2017

    Presentation Conference Call Quarterly statement Q1 2017

    Corporate News Release – Quarterly statement Q1 2017

    Downloads (12 )

    Presentation Conference Call January – September 2016

    Corporate News Release – Quarterly statement Q3 2016

    Presentation Conference Call First Half Year 2016

    Corporate News Release - Report for the second quarter 2016

    Corporate News Release – Quarterly statement Q1 2016

    Downloads (13 )

    Presentation Conference Call January – September 2015

    Corporate news release - Report for the third quarter 2015

    Presentation Conference Call First Half Year 2015

    Corporate news release - Report for the second quarter 2015

    Presentation Conference Call Financial Year 2014 and First Quarter 2015

    Corporate news release - Report for the first quarter 2015

    Downloads (13 )

    Corporate news release - Report for the third quarter 2014

    Corporate news release - Report for the second quarter 2014

    Präsentation Telefonkonferenz Geschäftsjahr 2013 und Q1 2014

    Presentation Conference Call Krones Group 2013 and First quarter 2014

    Corporate news release - Report for the first quarter 2014

    Downloads (10 )

    Corporate news release - Report for the third quarter 2013

    Ad-hoc Release - Report for the second quarter 2013

    Press Release - Report for the second quarter 2013

    Downloads (11 )

    Ad-hoc Release | Report for the first quarter 2012

    Downloads (13 )

    Press Release | Report for the third quarter 2011

    Ad-hoc Release | Report for the third quarter 2011

    Press Release | Report for the second quarter 2011

    Ad-hoc Release | Report for the second quarter 2011

    Ad-hoc Release | Report for the first quarter 2011

    Downloads (13 )

    Press Release | Report for the third quarter 2010

    Ad-hoc Release | Report for the third quarter 2010

    Ad-hoc Release | Report for the second quarter 2010

    Press Release | Report for the first quarter 2010

    Ad-hoc Release | Report for the first quarter 2010

    Downloads (11 )

    Press Release | Report for the third quarter 2009

    Press Release | Report for the second quarter 2009

    Press Release | Report for the first quarter 2009

    Downloads (10 )

    Ad-hoc Release | Report for the third quarter 2008

    Press Release | Report for the second quarter 2008

    Ad-hoc Release | Report for the first quarter 2008

    Downloads (10 )

    Press Release | Report for the third quarter 2007

    Press Release | Report for the second quarter 2007

    Press Release | Report for the first quarter 2007

    Downloads (10 )

    Press Release | Report for the third quarter 2006

    Press Release | Report for the second quarter 2006

    Press Release | Report for the first quarter 2006

    Downloads (10 )

    Press Release | Report for the third quarter 2005

    Press Release | Report for the second quarter 2005

    Press Release | Report for the first quarter 2005

    Downloads (8 )

    Press Release | Report for the third quarter 2004

    Press Release | Report for the second quarter 2004

    Press Release | Report for the first quarter 2004
