Corporate news release – Krones shares move up to MDAX index
Deutsche Börse AG announced its decision yesterday evening on the new composition of the DAX index family with effect from 19 June 2023. The DAX, MDAX, SDAX and TecDAX indices were reviewed on the basis of the Fast Exit and Fast Entry rules. As a result of the periodic review, Krones AG shares are to be promoted from the SDAX to the MDAX index. After five years in the SDAX, Krones is thus returning to the MDAX, Germany’s midcap index comprising 50 companies. Index members are selected on the basis of free-float market capitalisation.
“We are delighted that our shares have been promoted to the MDAX. This also reflects the sustained successful development of our company,” said Krones CEO Christoph Klenk. “Irrespective of index membership, the entire Krones team is focused on implementing the corporate strategy with our new target picture, Solutions Beyond Tomorrow,” Klenk added.

Olaf Scholz