Digital decoration technology: The revolution for the packaging market
So how do you react when you suddenly find yourself in an unprecedented situation? When, in an instant, everything is different to what you were used to? You stop for a moment, get your bearings – and look for new paths to follow.
When it became apparent that the interpack 2020 was going to have to be postponed, we allowed ourselves to briefly feel disappointed. Not because of the work we had invested in our preparations, but much more due to our anticipation. We had been looking forward to our numerous meetings with visitors from all over the world and were excited about receiving feedback on our exhibits.
And it was precisely this positive anticipation that lead to a new idea. If we are unable to meet you in Düsseldorf, then we might as well bring the trade show to your doorstep: with our virtual booth for interpack 2020.
We have brought the Krones booth with all of its exhibits to life in a digital format – true to the original and in 3D. It will kick off in two weeks: The stand will be opened on 28th April, but you can already gain a first impression and find an overview of our exhibition topics.
Since our conversation with you is the most important reason why we appear at trade shows at all, we came up with an idea about how to communicate: You can chat to us directly between 28th and 30th April. Our stand supervisors will be available live between 10 am and 6 pm CEST on the afore-mentioned days for all of your questions, requests and suggestions. And it goes without saying that you will still be able to contact us afterwards through the usual channels.
As is the case with so many people at the moment, we are also mostly working from home. But there is one thing I am sure of: It will not affect the personal and sincere communication between us – on the contrary!
My team and I are really looking forward to joining you in discovering just what opportunities a virtual exhibition can present.
Yours, Thomas Ricker
Chief Sales Officer
The infinitely variable packaging line: Krones Varioline. This flexible system processes more than 20 packaging combinations in one machine and therefore it meets the demands of the beverage and food producers with regards to a versatile and individual production. Since 2012, there are now more than 70 Varioline machines successfully in use worldwide.
When it comes to reducing the use of materials, we mostly think of the beverages containers first. But if we look a bit closer, we can see that there is plenty of savings potential in the area of secondary packaging as well. The LitePac series is made up of innovative packs and packaging that are in keeping with modern times in terms of sustainability and preservation of resources.
Krones is already in the middle of the future, which means that the digitalisation solutions of tomorrow are not simply vague theories for us, but common practice. The Krones Group accompanies customers from the beverage and liquid food industry on their path towards intelligent and networked production.
In which direction is the packaging market currently heading? Which political and social developments will we be faced with when it comes to the use of plastics? Obviously no-one can look into the future, particularly in turbulent times such as these, which is why we at Krones prefer to concentrate on what we do well: Developing sound strategies for a range of packaging scenarios – and using them to derive tangible solutions for our customers.